Hi, I'm Mohamed Khattab

Mohamed Khattab

Software Engineer

Dedicated and passionate software engineer with a deep interest in backend development. Continuously exploring new technologies, services, databases, and security aspects. Eager to learn and grow, I strive to deliver innovative solutions that drive improvement and strengthen systems.

Team Work
Problem Solving
Fast Learner
Hard Working


Full-time Software Engineer

Aug.2023 ‑ Present, Remotly

Software Development

  • Refactored the payment gateway, addressing bugs and ensuring smooth migration to newer versions.
  • Designed and implemented an AI campaign creation flow utilizing OpenAI APIs, queuing & rate limiting for efficient delivery, Keniss for real-time streaming and ClickHouse for analytics.
  • Implemented efficient integrations with external services, ensuring seamless data exchange, which resulted in a 30% increase in revenue.
  • Contributed to the maintenance of AdX-Change platform, facilitating precision targeting and personalized recommendations.
  • Participated in the R&D process by proposing innovative business ideas and solutions, as well as addressing performance and scalability issues

Software Engineer Intern

4/7/2023 ‑ 16/7/2023, Alexandria, Egypt

Software Development

  • Developed an immersive multiplayer Snake and Ladder game utilizing Node.js for the backend and React.js for the frontend. Utilized Sequelize ORM for efficient database connectivity, ensuring smooth data management with MySQL. Real‑time communication was achieved through Socket.io to ensure synchronized gamepla

Cyber security Intern
Cyber Talent , Trend Micro

July.2022 ‑ Sep.2022, Remotly

Cyber security

  • Familiarity with Web Penetration Testing techniques and their application to secure web applications
  • Understanded the Cryptography concepts and their practical use in securing data.
  • Acquainted with Network Security protocols and strategies to protect against cyber threats

Cyberops associate trainee
Egyptian National Telecommunication Institute

June.2022‑ July.2022, Remotly

Cyber security

  • Gained familiarity with Security Monitoring techniques to identify and respond to security events and incidents.
  • Acquired knowledge in Threat Detection methods and tools to identify and prevent cyber threats in real‑time ..
  • Understanded common Network Attacks and their prevention strategies to safeguard against cyber threats.

frontend developer
IEEE SSCS Alexandria Branch

OCT.2021 ‑ OCT. 2022, Alexandria , Egypt

Software Development

  • Contributed to the development of the IEEE SSCS Alexandria branch Website, utilizing ReactJS and responsive web design practices to create a platform where users can take courses, read articles, explore fields, and apply for events


diabetic Predictor image
Database Engine as a Service
Software Development Internals Nov.2023- June.2024

A cloud-based database engine featuring query execution through parsing, planning, and efficient storage, complemented by a comprehensive web interface for both frontend and backend interactions aiming to become a fully-managed database platform, offering many features for enhanced

diabetic Predictor image
Software Development Internals Jan.2024

Designed and developed Memstash, a Redis-compatible, in-memory key-value store in Go. Implemented a serializer, deserializer, and command handler to seamlessly integrate with Redis commands and clients.

diabetic Predictor image
Token Bucket Rate Limiter
Software Development Internals Dec.2023

Implemented a flexible token bucket rate limiter using Go, managing requests globally, for services A and B, and individual users based on IP addresses.

diabetic Predictor image
Gossip Algorithm
Software Development Internals Jan.2024

Developed a Go program implementing the Gossip Algorithm for distributed systems. This algorithm ensures reliable data and fault discovery through dynamic communication adjustments, replicated delays, and handling of unresponsive nodes, promoting robust system reliability and data consistency.

diabetic Predictor image
Diabetic Predictor
Software Development July 2023

Developed the Diabetic Predictor Website, An impactful web application leveraging cutting‑edge AI and machine learning algorithms to predict diabetes likelihood in patients based on personalized health data. Utilized Flask, Node.js, and React to create an intuitive user interface and ensure seamless functionality. Facilitated efficient data storage and retrieval with Prisma, utilized as the ORM for managing MySQL database operations. Implemented secure authentication using JWT to prioritize user privacy and data protection

paypal image
Full‑Stack Payment Integration Project
Software Development Jun 2023

Developed a full‑stack Node.js and React app with PayPal and Stripe integration, connected to a MySQL database using Sequelize. Implemented JWT‑based user authentication for secure user access and transactions.

book store image
Book Store Web App
Software Development April 2023

• A web application for managing books in a bookstore, developed using Spring Boot, MySQL, JPA, and Thymeleaf. It allows users to add, edit, delete, and view books in the bookstore. The project features a fully functional backend and a simple UI

Snak Game
Software Development july 2023

an immersive multiplayer Snake and Ladder game utilizing Node.js for the backend and React.js for the frontend. Utilized Sequelize ORM for efficient database connectivity, ensuring smooth data management with MySQL. Real‑time communication was achieved through Socket.io to ensure synchronized gameplay.

operating system
Operating Systems Mar. 2023

Contributed to the development of PintOS, an open‑source instructional operating system kernel developed by Stanford University, by working on the project’s two phases as part of a college project. PintOS provides modular projects and complete documentation to introduce students to the major concepts of operating systems development

Elevator System
Software Development jan 2023

Developed an Elevator System Console App solution that efficiently handles multiple requests from different floors using object‑oriented pro‑ gramming concepts and multithreading.

Parking lot system
Software Development December 2022

Developed a parking lot management system Console App using object‑oriented programming concepts and design patterns such as strategy and singleton. The system is capable of handling different sizes of cars and checking for available parking spots. It includes features such as parking spot reservation, automatic ticket generation

 codeforces integration
Software Development May 2023

Tool developed to streamline the management of solutions submitted on Codeforces and synchronization with GitHub. It provides an intuitive interface for selecting a Codeforces handle, downloading solutions, and uploading them to a GitHub repository.

